about time now, the time that the brain will now engulfed itself to the place
it supposedly be, ready may not, the time have come, swayed one have,
swayed long it seems, rather too long indeed, gone to the place of the destined
of no return and never one shall able to come back, the goals one set are far
beyond reached but the journey there would be worth the while, impossible it
seems, rather insane goals, however still without trying, one won't know how
far can one go, without giving a shot wont one know the power one possess to
reach certain, a certain point where one will say one could do more, but how
far is enough to be called it a certain one can certainly never know,
regardless the ending, shouldn't one care more about the beginning, how can there
is an ending without a start. Time teaches one lots of things, the experience
one gained never put it to waste. Wouldn't one wonder how to start, the goals
may be set, crafted, or determined, impossible or not the goals are there now.
one wonder when will ever one start, does one need something to help one to get
a start. certain events may have let one to gain the needed push, certain talks
may have let one gain the extra push. it stopped somehow, the feelings again
swayed. certain occurrences have led one to believe that one may not be
good enough, maybe one is just all talk, without care the action that needed to
be done, the aftereffect that will led to happen in the future. does one ready
to had a different future, different life, different me. the old one is rather
safe, but now, one will go on a very impossible journey, it seems fun though.
hopefully the journey will now begin. let us have fun then.
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