Saturday 23 July 2011

why my DISPLAY NAME is n2ka2ma.

usually i often wonder why i choose a particular name as my display name.
but this time , im not. i am very sure why i chose it and i very much like it.
this picture tells you something isnt it? 

NAKAMA a word in japan than brings the meaning of colleague, compatriot, friend or comrade. a word that tells you who you are with , a circle of friends. friend that we hang out with, friends that we had our best of laughs. friends that shed tears with us for some. it was them that surrounds us, it was them that little by little created us of being who we are now. "A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down. " so, look around yourself and see are they truly are your true friends. or are they are just friends for benefit?

n2ka2ma also refer as a siblings. why? because the name itself represent my siblings. 
1) Najiah 
2) Najmi 
3) Khadijah 
4) 'Amru 
5) 'Afaf 
6) Madihah and me 
7) Aiman  
it follows the order from the eldest to the youngest. i put myself as last because im not a sibling to myself arent i? my parents they're special. i have two mothers, without both of them im sure im not what i am today. its thanks to them that i am not as corrupt as others out there. i have a father. :)

i have my own circumstances that i need to face in order to prevail. i have my troubles. i have my doubts, i have lots of things to know, to discover, to learn and i need them more them ever that i now in a state where i must not fail. so it will be them that must push me forward. help me to bounce back harder when i meet my fall. its them that i need to save me if  i somehow fall to the abyss of failures and regrets. nakama (BBC) and as in everyone i consider then friends and n2ka2ma and UDA and asha nazeri <--- your name is mention again here SORRY ( i dont know why but she simply able to give me the little push when its needed ) thank you even you didnt noticed or realised it. so i dedicated this post to them. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING WHO YOU ARE AND FOR BEING WITH ME ! <3

1 comment:

  1. Awwh :')
    Because a friend in need is a friend indeed.
    You can count on me. Chehhh. Cheesy gila ni :D
