Friday, 22 July 2011

MAYBE a little BIT about What is ME.

this is harder than i thought!!!!oo ok. let me try now..
what me is quite plain and empty. what me is someone that is not very much different than others. what me is someone who is not trying to be someone else but he himself alone. i wish i am a genius i had the capability but im just not it. and now i know that im not even a smart. i am just an AVERAGE JOE. worse of it all i have insomnia. i rarely sleeps at night and now here i am still awake and writing a blog that no one actually read. im tired and sleepy but im lazy to go to bed. WHAT AM I ! -.-"
but i do know what i love. that is something right??
i need to rediscover myself. i am too sure that i knew myself before that i ended up being who i am right now. i am so pathetic. therefore, i am going to start anew! 

my two post is very short. and im didnt intended it to be so. soon i will write a longer post. just bare for now will you. sorry for that. :)
maybe i too could write about what happen around the world? movie reviews perhaps? something of that sort. ;) not so flashy, or cliche just simple thoughts of what i thought. 

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